2N2222A Transistor is a common NPN widely used in general-purpose low-power amplifying or switching circuits. It contains some of the best features in its little package. Packaged in the TO-18 type. Max collector dissipation of the transistor is 625MW which makes it ideal to use in audio amplifier stages and output amplifier to drive the small audio speakers.
The 2222 transistor used in all types of circuit operating under 40v DC because max collector-emitter voltages of the transistor are 40V. It allows a maximum of 800mA when it is fully biased (saturation stage). When the base current has removed the transistor 2n2222 becomes fully off, this stage is called the Cut-off Region.
MPS2222, PN2222,BC637, S9014, 2N2907(PNP), 2N3904(PNP), 2N3906 (PNP), BC148, 2N4403, KN2222, KTN2222.
BC557 is good compliment of 2n2222a transistor.
This transistor is similar to the commonly used BC547 transistor. But there are two important features that difference between 2N2222A and BC547. The collector current up-to 800mA and also has power dissipation of 652mW so, it can drive larger loads than compared with BC547.