In this article, we will explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of cloud computing. As we all know today  Cloud computing becomes trending technology. Almost every company switched their services to the cloud to rise the company's growth and reputation in the world.

Here, we discuss some important advantages of Cloud Computing and highlight its features.

Back up and restore data

Once the data is stored in the cloud then you can get data anytime when needed because which data have an extra copy in another server. it is easier to get back up and restore that data using the cloud.

Improved collaboration

Cloud applications  or other services improve collaboration by allowing groups of people to quickly and easily share information in the cloud via shared storage at every time. Improved collaboration makes it useful for users.

Excellent accessibility

Cloud allows us to quickly and easily accessible via an internet connection to store and get information anywhere, anytime in the whole world. An internet cloud infrastructure increases organization accessibility and efficiency by ensuring that our data is always accessible and secure.

Low maintenance cost

Cloud computing reduces the cost to the needs of users. It reduces both hardware and software maintenance costs for organizations.


Cloud computing allows us to easily access all cloud data like software, and applications via mobile.

Services in the pay-per-use model

Cloud computing offers Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for working to that users can access services on the cloud. the best advantage of cloud service is, pays the charges as per the usage of service no charge for extra service if you do not buy means get the service about need.

Unlimited storage capacity

Cloud offers us a huge amount of storage capacity for storing our important data such as documents, images, audio, video, etc. in one place anytime.

Data security

Data security is one of the biggest and most important advantages of cloud computing. Cloud offers many advanced features and updates related to security and ensures that data is securely stored and handled in the biggest security system.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

A list of the disadvantage of cloud computing is given below which is briefly described-

Internet Connectivity

As we know, in cloud computing, every data (image, audio, video, etc.) is stored on the cloud properly, and we can  access these data through the cloud by using the internet connection In a network. If someone does not have good internet connectivity, then they cannot access this data. However, we have no other way to access our own data from the cloud without the internet.

Vendor lock-in

Vendor lock-in is the biggest disadvantage of the cloud computing world. Organizations may face problems when transferring their services from one vendor to another vendor. As different vendors provide different platforms, that can cause difficulty in data moving from one cloud to another cloud.

Limited Control

As we know, cloud infrastructure is completely owned therefore in which data is managed, and monitored by the service provider, so the cloud users or clients have less control over the function and execution of services and other functions within a cloud infrastructure.


Although cloud service providers implement the best security standards to store data and important information. But, before we adopt cloud technology, then we should be aware that we will be sending all your organization's, sensitive information and important data to a third party via the internet. While sending important data to the cloud, there may be a chance that your organization's information and data can be hacked by Hackers.
