In this article we are going to explain the esp devkit v pinout DevKit ESP V also known as the nbsp ESP-WROOM- It is a development board based on the ESP microcontroller It has a dual-core processor built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and a rich set of peripherals devices pins Here is the pinout for the ESP DevKit V ESP devkit v pinout ESP devkit v nbsp also known as the ESP-WROOM- is a development board based on the ESP microcontroller nbsp Power amp Control ESP DevKit V has two positive power input pins and one control pin on the development Read More

This article is about Virtualization in Cloud Computing the Concept behind virtualization the Benefits of cloud virtualization and the types of virtualization in cloud computing Virtualization is a way of fast technology that can use to create virtual representations of servers storage networks nbsp service and other physical machines nbsp The functions of physical hardware are to run multiple virtual machines simultaneously on a single physical machine Businesses use virtualization for growth in a market that uses their hardware resources efficiently and get greater returns from their investment It is also known as power cloud computing services that help organizations Read More

Scan conversion in computer graphics refers to the process of converting geometric primitives such as lines curves or polygons into a rasterized form for display on a pixel-based screen It involves determining which pixels should be illuminated or assigned specific attributes to accurately represent the desired shapes and objects Scan conversion enables efficient rendering and precise control over individual pixels forming the basis for generating graphics on modern digital displays Methods of Scan Conversion in computer graphics Mostly we perform scan conversion in computer graphics by using two methods Analog Method and Digital Method Analog Method It is the best Read More

A Light Dependent Resistor is also known as a photoresistor photoconductor or photocell LDR is one kind of resistor whose resistance different depending on the amount of light falling on its surface When the light falls on the resistor then the resistance modifies These resistors are often used in many circuits where it is needed to sense the attendance of light These resistors have different types of functions and resistance For example when the LDR is in darkness then it can be used to turn ON the light and used to turn OFF a light when it is in light Read More