Found 15 Articles for Jurisprudence

Legislation- Types of Legislation in jurisprudence

In this article we are going to explain the legislation and nbsp Types of Legislation The legislation means lawmaking When a law-making body that is specifically authorized to make a law formulates laws it is known as legislation It has its own importance as a source of law and can be easily distinguished from other sources of law like precedent and custom Legislation is derived from two words legis meaning law and latum meaning to make put or set So generally speaking legislation means lawmaking The process of making and enacting law by authorized bodies is called legislation Salmond defines Read More

Custom as a Source of Law in jurisprudence

Customs are an integral part of societal values and obligations It is a habitual course of conduct having importance in social life as well as legal jurisprudence Custom is a great source of law because generally all customs make laws to run a society Custom as a source of law has been studied by different schools of jurisprudential thought Custom is a habit that is adopted by society to run their daily life Definitions of custom in Jurisprudence ohn Salmond nbsp says ldquo Custom is frequently an embodiment of those principles which have commended themselves to the national conscience as Read More

Essentials of a valid custom in jurisprudence

Essentials of a valid custom In the earlier ages the customs were the most important and in some times cases the entire source of law In every legal system the customer is considered a basic source of law or the main source for the development of law but in modern and stabled societies they are more rationalized and are certain and definite Custom as a source of law involves the study of a variety of its aspects its origin and nature its importance reasons for its recognition its classification and the necessity of a valid custom Requisites of a Valid Read More