C945 transistor is a general-purpose NPN transistor that is widely used in a variety of commercial and educational electronic circuits. It comes in a TO-92 package, this transistor can drive a max load of around 150mA which is enough to operate many devices in a circuit for LEDs, Relays, ICs, transistors, and other parts of electronics circuits. The saturation of this transistor is only 0.3V DC which is also a good feature of this transistor. Moreover, the transistor is also a low-noise device and has a good DC current gain that is 70 to 700. C945 Transistor Pinout explains all features of the transistor.
Pin Number | Pin Name | Description of Pins |
1 | Emitter | Current flows out |
2 | Collector | Current flow through |
3 | Base | terminal triggers the transistor |
It can be replaced with 2N2222, 2N3904, 2SC1815, and 2SC3198 nowadays BC547 is a good alternative to this transistor. The pin configuration of Some transistors is different from C945 so check the pin configuration before replacing the circuits.
NPN Complementary of C945 is A733, BC557,Bc558 and BC556B.
The SMD version of C945 transistor are 2SC4738 (SOT-23), 2SC2712 (SOT-23), 2SC4116 (SOT-323), FJX945 (SOT-323), KTC3875 (SOT-23) and KTC3875S (SOT-23). These transistors are the same type and have similar parameters.
This transistor has a good DC current gain and low noise due to this it is suitable to use in audio amplifier circuit stages or for the amplification of other electronic circuits. The saturation voltage of mostly BJT transistors is 0.6V DC but the C945 has only a transistor that has 0.3V saturation voltage due to this feature it can perform well in low voltage circuits or in any circuit where low base voltage is available.
The transistor C945 is usually used in circuits where we need a high-speed transistor & a low current. It has three semiconductor regions: emitter, base, and collector. When we apply voltage at the base, the current starts to flow between the collector and emitter. In this way, we control the functionality of the electronic circuit through this high-speed low-current transistor.
The CAD Model or 3D model of the C945 Transistor is given below
Detail compare table is given below among the 4 transistors. We can easily determine our requirements as needed and we can use a suitable transistor for our application.
Collector to base voltage (VCB) | 60V | 60V | 50V | 60V |
Collector to emitter voltage (VCE) | 50V | 50V | 45V | 50V |
Emitter to base voltage (VEB) | 5V | 5V | 6V | 5V |
Collector current (IC) | 150mA | 150mA | 100mA | 150mA |
Power dissipation | 400mw | 400mw | 500mw | 250mw |
Junction temperature (TJ) | 125°C | 125°C | 150°C | 150°C |
Transition frequency (FT) | 200MHZ | 80MHZ | 300MHZ | 250MHz |
Noise | 10dB | 10dB | 10dB | 4dB |
Gain (hFE) | 40 to 700hFE | 70 to 700hFE | 110 to 800hFE | 90hFE |
Package | TO-92 | TO-92 | TO-92 | TO-92 |
The transistor C945 is a general-purpose small signal NPN device, almost similar to 2N2222. The difference is only the maximum continuous current: C945 - 150ma, 2N2222 - 500mA.