Ic741-pin-configuration-features: Lm741 ic is the most commonly used op-amp integrated circuit. It is a voltage amplifier ic, it inverts the input voltage at the output, It can be found almost everywhere in electronic projects. It is an 8-pin op-amp IC.
Lm 741 op-amps Ic pin configuration and testing are given in detail in this article. Usually, this IC is numbered counter-clockwise around it. It is 8 pins integrated circuit and provides superior results in integrator, summing amplifier, and general feedback applications in electronic devices. These are high gain op-amps the voltage on the inverting input can be maintained almost equal to Vin.
Pin configuration of lm 741 op-amp ic is given below
The 741 op-amps are used in two ways such as inverting and non-inverting.
In IC 741 pin2 is the input pin and pin6 is the output pin. When the voltage is applied through pin2 the output comes from pin 6(output pin). When the polarity is positive at the input, the polarity that comes from the output is negative, and vice versa. So the output is always reversed.
In an op-amp, lm 741 IC pin3 is the input pin and pin6 is the output pin. When the voltage is applied through pin3 then the output comes from the output pin 6. When the polarity is positive at pin3, then the polarity on pin6 is also the positive output that remains the same (non-inverting).
The many circuits are designed by using lm 741 ic. like an active filter, converting current to voltage, converting voltage to current, Ac/Dc converter, Voltage follower, summing amplifier & hold circuit, etc.
Some important characteristics of 741 IC are given below
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