BD transistor is a popular NPN type used in a variety of electronic circuits It is an ideal transistor due to its high collector current and low cost Due to these features it is used in educational electronics projects as well as in commercial electronics circuits This transistor can load up to A so you can drive high-current components like high-current relays motors LEDs etc It can easily survive in almost all electronic circuits because the collector-emitter and collector base voltage is very high up to volts It is also ideal to use in amplifier circuits due to W collector Read More

In this article we are going to explain the legislation and nbsp Types of Legislation The legislation means lawmaking When a law-making body that is specifically authorized to make a law formulates laws it is known as legislation It has its own importance as a source of law and can be easily distinguished from other sources of law like precedent and custom Legislation is derived from two words legis meaning law and latum meaning to make put or set So generally speaking legislation means lawmaking The process of making and enacting law by authorized bodies is called legislation Salmond defines Read More

What is Computer Science It is the rd most popular studies major among international students coming to America United States There are innumerable reasons that computer science is very popular including exceptional job security unusually high starting salaries and diverse job opportunities across the industrial fields However an internationallearner contemplating studying computer science requires to ask themself ldquo What is computer science rdquo So what is computer science Usually speaking computer science is the education of computer technology including the hardware and software of computers That rsquo s why computer science is a diverse area the required skills are both Read More

An electrical circuit is a line or path through which an electrical current flows to perform a specific task This path can be closed or open and closed making it a loop A closed circuit makes it possible to flow current The only closed circuit that can flow current open circuit is always unable to flow current Commonly used symbols in electrical diagrams It is very important to know about the basic components of a circuit and the symbols that are used in circuits A simple circuit has the following main parts A simple circuit consists of conductors a switch Read More