Types of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating and managing a new business venture in order to make a profit or achieve a specific goal. An entrepreneur is someone who takes on the risks and responsibilities of starting and running a business, identifying opportunities, and using innovative ideas to develop new products or services. Successful entrepreneurship requires a combination of skills, including creativity, strategic thinking, risk-taking, adaptability, and strong leadership abilities. It can play a crucial role in driving economic growth and job creation and can bring about positive social and environmental impacts.

Types of Entreprenuership

There are four types of entrepreneurship these are as follows.

  • Small business 
  • Scalable startups 
  • Large company or intrapreneurship 
  • Social entrepreneurship.

Small Business Entrepreneurship

Small Business (Types of Entrepreneurship)

Small business entrepreneurship refers to the process of starting and managing a small business with the goal of making a profit or achieving a specific objective. Small business entrepreneurs are typically individuals who identify a need in the market, develop a product or service to address that need, and then manage the business operations to generate revenue and grow the business.

Small business entrepreneurship requires a combination of skills, including market research, financial management, marketing, customer service, and leadership. Small business entrepreneurs often face unique challenges, such as limited resources, intense competition, and difficulty accessing capital.

However, small business entrepreneurship can also bring about many benefits, including the ability to be one's own boss, the opportunity to create something new and innovative, and the potential for financial and personal growth. Small businesses also play a vital role in local economies, creating jobs and contributing to community development.


There are the following advantages of Small Business.

  • Have much Independence. 
  • Make More Money.
  • Have an Impact on the Community.
  •  Enjoy Tax Benefits.
  • Develop Your Knowledge
  • Get More Satisfaction.
  • Enjoy Equity


Following are the disadvantages of Small Business.

  • There is more unreliability
  • There is the financial commitment
  • Longer work hours
  • You may be more stressed
  • You may have to do things you never want to do
  • It is risker than becoming an employed
 Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship

Scalable startup entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating and growing a business that has the potential to grow rapidly and expand into new markets. The goal of scalable entrepreneurship is to create a company that can grow quickly without requiring significant additional resources or capital investment.


Following are the advantages of Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship

  • Flexibility
  • Versatility
  • Efficiency
  • Team culture
  • Personalization
  • Fun
  • Agility
Disadvantages (Types of Entrepreneurship)
There are some disadvantages of  Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship
  • Risk
  • Team composition
  • Stress
  • Resources
  • Market access
  • Compensation
  • Processes.

Large Company Entrepreneurship

ILarge company entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating and developing new business ventures within a large organization. This can involve the establishment of new business units, the creation of new products or services, or the implementation of new strategies to pursue emerging market opportunities.


The following are the advantages of Intrapreneurship.

  • Reduced the financial risk on the pioneer.
  • Good product, support, or services.
  • Make a better career.
  • Can close in the Evening.
  • Only do the part in which you expert.
  • Improve your reputation and grow your network


Intrapreneurship has the following disadvantages.

  • Have more risk of failure than an employee.
  • Profits are less than an entrepreneur's.
  • The potential for conflict.
  • You still have a boss.
  • The glory is shared.

Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship refers to the practice of using entrepreneurial skills and strategies to create innovative solutions to social, environmental, or cultural problems. Social entrepreneurs are driven by a desire to make a positive impact on society and may operate in both nonprofit and for-profit sectors.

Social entrepreneurs often focus on addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, environmental sustainability, access to education and healthcare, and community development. They may create social enterprises that generate revenue while also providing social benefits, or they may use their entrepreneurial skills to create and manage nonprofit organizations that address these issues.

Social entrepreneurship can take many forms, ranging from microfinance and social impact investing to sustainable agriculture and renewable energy initiatives. The goal of social entrepreneurship is not only to address social problems but also to create sustainable and scalable solutions that can be replicated in other communities and regions.

Social entrepreneurship has gained momentum in recent years, as more individuals and organizations seek to use business principles and practices to address social and environmental challenges.
