Found 39 Articles for Transistors

2N3904 Transistor Pinout, Features and applications

The nbsp N nbsp is basically an NPN transistor made up of silicon material It is used for a general-purpose switch and amplifier It supports the current up to mA when acts as a switch and It supports the frequency up to MHz while acting as an amplifier N A is also an NPN transistor and is quite similar to N N is nbsp NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor designed for switching purposes at mA and as an amplifier at MHz frequency It comes in the TO- package and used in a wide range of applications It can be used in Read More

2N2222A Transistor: Pin Configuration

N A Transistor is a common NPN widely used in general-purpose low-power amplifying or switching circuits It contains some of the best features in its little package Packaged in the TO- type Max collector dissipation of the transistor is MW which makes it ideal to use in audio amplifier stages and output amplifier to drive the small audio speakers The transistor used in all types of circuit operating under v DC because max collector-emitter voltages of the transistor are V It allows a maximum of mA when it is fully biased saturation stage When the base current has removed the Read More

BC108 Transistor Pinout, Equivalent

The nbsp BC is a general-purpose low-power silicon transistor It is a low-power silicon NPN bipolar junction transistor It is mostly used as a transistor in almost all types of electronics projects and equipment nbsp BC nbsp and nbsp BC nbsp are the same as nbsp BC Moreover this transistor can be used as a switch and drive load of up to mA The BC nbsp is a modern low-cost member of this family still in a through-hole package while the nbsp BC nbsp is the nbsp surface-mount nbsp version BC transistor pinout Characteristics of the BC bipolar transistor Type Read More

BC560 Pinout, Equivalent features

This article is about transistor BC pinout which is a general-purpose nbsp PNP nbsp transistor nbsp available in the TO- package It has the advantage of low noise and high gain and can be used in a wide variety of general applications which fall under its ratings The BC can be used in numerous audio and signal amplification applications and for many general-purpose switching applications The nbsp BC nbsp transistor has nbsp a current gain nbsp between and The gain of the nbsp BC A nbsp is nbsp from to nbsp BC B nbsp ranges from to and nbsp BC Read More