Arduino Leonardo board Pinout: Arduino Leonardo board Released in the year 2012 on July 23.  It is an ATmega32U4 microcontroller board. Leonardo board arduino is a unique product that differs from all the preceding ones and comes with a built-in USB communication. So, there is a no need for a second processor.

The Arduino Leonardo can communicate with your PC diectly via USB. Its mean that your Arduino board can directly be used as a keyboard and  mouse  for your computer. More interesting Leonardo is jam-packed with features that help users in building amazing projects.

Arduino Leonardo board Pinout

Arduino Leonardo Specifications

Arduino board consist of the Atmega32u4 which comes with a built-in bootloader, making it convenient to flash the Arduino board with any code. This board further consist of the following specifications:

  • 16MHz crystal oscillator
  • 20 digital input/output pins
  • A power jack
  • Input voltage: 7V-12V
  • An in-circuit serial programming (ICSP) header
  • Operating voltages of board: 2.7V-5.5V
  • 12 analogue input pins and seven pulse-width-modulated (PWM) outputs
  • 5kB SRAM
  • 32kB flash memory
  • 1kB EEPROM
  • 40mA per I/O pin current (DC)

Arduino Leonardo Pinout

Arduino Leonardo board Pinout

Leonardo Board consists of 20 digital i/o pins.  7 Pins can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analogue inputs. Communicating with these pins require using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. Pins operate at 5V and can provide maximum of 40 mA.

These consist of an internal pull-up resistor of 20-50kOhms. Further, these pins also have dedicated functions:

  1. Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX): They are used to receive RX and TX transmissions.
  2. TWI:  This PIN is used to contact peripheral devices using the asynchronous protocol.
  3. Pins with connection to the ADC (A0-A5, A6-A11): These pins are used to receive analogue ouput.
  4. SPI: On the ICSP header: SPI Pins are used for SPI communication. They are only available on the ICSP connector and not connected to the I/O pins.
  5. Along with these, there are a couple of other pins like the AERF and the Reset which have their dedicated purposes as well.

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