Found 55 Articles for Electronics Projects

Build Simple AM Radio receiver at home

A small and simple AM Radio project with only transistors Mediumwave stations can be listened to in your area through this circuit The variable capacitor VC in parallel with the coil L acts as a tunable resonant circuit This ldquo tank rdquo circuit can be adjusted at the desired AM frequency Components required for Simple AM Radio Receiver Circuit Following Components are required for this simple AM Radio Circuit Frequency can be adjusted according to the Component rsquo s powers and formula Detail about the components is given below Ref Des Name Value Description C Capacitor uf PF Capacitor C Read More

100 watts inverter circuit working and applications

An Inverter is a small circuit that converts direct current DC to alternating current AC The power of a battery is converted into main voltages or AC voltage We can use AC power for electronic appliances like television mobile phones computers etc The basic function of an inverter is to convert DC to AC A step-up transformer is used to create main voltages In this article we are going to design a watts inverter circuit Block Diagram of watts inverter circuit The blog diagram of the inverter is given below The block diagram explains that the battery supply is given Read More

4 volts simple inverter project: explanation

volts simple inverter In mini electronic projects conversion of DC voltage to AC voltage is a very interesting and common problem In most circuits we observe that almost all design of the circuit takes the AC input and gives DC output But as we want to change the circuit from DC to AC then a DC to AC converter circuit is used The converter inverter is required for this purpose So to convert the DC to AC converter circuit is used In this mini electronics project I am going to make a very simple but very very interesting circuit This Read More

DC to AC Power Converter circuit feature working

DC to AC nbsp Power Converter nbsp is often needed at the places where it is not possible to get AC supply DC to AC power converter circuit is used to convert the DC power to AC power In this article we are going to make nbsp v DC to v AC Converters can be of two types pure sine wave converters and quasi or modified converters nbsp Pure sine wave converters are costly but modified or quasi-converters are inexpensive These modified nbsp dc to ac power Converter nbsp produces a square wave and these are not used to power Read More