In this project, we are going to make a very simple traffic light controller circuit even an early-age electronic student can make very easily. We have used three transistors with necessary composts to complete the project of a traffic sign.
These components can be used for these Both projects
This circuit will flash 3 LEDs with Turn to Turn with the same speed of time interval. Later on, we will modify this circuit for traffic light signals.
You can change the time intervals with changes in capacitors. A more powerful capacitor decreases the speed of chasing and a less powerful capacitor increases the speed. You can also connect a variable resistor in the place of a 100 k resistor to adjust the time interval as want.
The given animated GIF file shows the signal light glowing with the same time interval, but we have to change the time interval of these lights.
As we have already mentioned that the time interval of these LEDs can be adjusted as you want. This circuit diagram shows how can you change this circuit as traffic light signals. We can change the time interval among these three LEDs by using two methods.
You can change the time interval among these three LEDs if you change the value of the resistor. An increase in the resistor value will increase the time interval of corresponding Light and a decrease in the resistor value will decrease the interval.
Note: Time interval can be adjusted according to your desire if you use a potentiometer (variable resistance) instead of fixed resistors. So in this way, you can build a very efficient Traffic light signals regulator very easily.