In this article, we are going to explain different types of display screens. Display screen means the display portion of a monitor. Most display screens work under the same principle as a TV, using a cathode ray tube (CRT). Inconsequently, the term CRT is often used in place of the display screen.
There are many types of display screens in modern electronics some import and basic display screens mostly are as follows.
CRT monitor is the most common type of display screen, it lookup like a TV. It can display text & graphics.
It uses a cathode ray tube (CRT) to display a photo on the screen. CRT consists of one or more guns that fire a beam of electrons, inner the screen.
The screen is coated with small phosphor dots from the insides. The beam of electrons repeatedly falls on the surface of the screen. Every beam fall takes only a part of a second. CRT in color monitors consist of three guns these guns create red, green, and blue (RGB) colors. The other colors are created with a combination of these three colors.
Flat-panel monitors took less space and are lightweight. These monitors use very least power than CRTs.
Notebook computers or Laptop computers use flat panel monitors. The flat panel display is made up of 2 plates of glass. These plates contain a substance betwixt them. The substance is activated in different ways.
This form of display screen contains a substance called liquid crystal (LC). The molecules of this substance line up in such a way that light behind the screens is blocked or allowed to create a photo.
This form of display screen contains a substance that shines when it has charged with an electric current.
This form of the display screen is similar to a neon bulb. The display has used a gas that emitted light in the presence of an electric current. It is a very much expensive technology. It is not usually used.
These advantages of flat panel display over CRT are as follows: