This article explains the C828 transistor pinout, equivalent, datasheet, alternate and uses. Transistor c828 is most commonely genral purpose NPN transistoris a BJT transistor. C828 can be as an amplifier and switching purpose in electronic circuits. It can handle a load of up to 100mA which is quite a fair amount of current when driving other components in electronic projects. As an amplifier, it can drive 400mW and the max DC current gain value is 520. Transistor c828 is available in different DC gain values these values can be identified by looking at the last alphabet after the transistor number. If the last alphabet is “Q” it gains will be 130 to 260, if “R” the gain will be 180 to 360 and if “S” then the gain will be 260 to 520, therefore you can choose as needed for the requirements of your circuit.
The C828 is manufactured in a plastic TO-92 case. It consists of 3 terminals or leads these leads are called the emitter, collector, and base leads.
Here is an image showing the pin diagram of this transistor.
The diagram of the pinout of the c828 transistor is given below
The technical specification of transistor c828 is given below list you can use it under these specifications. Specifications of transistors are also called technical features of the transistor.
C828 Transistor can be replaced with the following transistor but the pin configuration of the alternate transistor may differ so please please check the pin detail before using any alternative transistor c828.
2N3394, 2N3708, 2SC3114, 2SC3198, 2SD1347, 2SD1835, 2SD545, 2SD789, BC167, BC182LB, BC184L, 2SC3199, 2SC3330, 2SC3331, 2SC3382, 2SC3383, 2SC3916, 2SC3917, 2SC3918, 2SC3919, 2SC3920, 2SC3921, 2SC3922, 2SC3923, 2SC536, 2SC828A, 2SC828A-Q, 2SC828A-R, 2SC828A-S, 2SC945, 2SD1207, C1815, C945, H945, KSC1815, KSC945C, 2SC1815, 2SC2458, 2SC2785, 2SC2960, KTC3198 or KTC3199.
Complement of the C828 transistor is the 2SA564, BC557, BC556, and some others.
The SMD alternate of the C828 Transistor is MMBTH10(SOT-23. These transistors are of the sailor, have the same parameters, and are designed for surface mounting.
The data sheet of transistor c828 is given below in the diagram