Most Commonly Used Transistors: In almost, all electronic circuits transistors are one the most important component. A transistor is a semiconductor device that is used to switch and amplify electronic signals and electrical power in the electronics/electrical system. Transistors consist of semiconductor material and are categorized into two categories NPN and PNP devices. Almost all transistors consist of 3 terminals (base, collector, and emitter) When current is applied to the base of transistors a big amount of voltage starts to flow from the emitter to the collector. Current flow from the emitter to the collector depends on the voltages applied to the base of the transistor. We can control switching and amplifying as we are required to control a circuit.

Transistors are a most common part of a circuit and a variety of collections are available so designers select a suitable transistor for their applications according to need. There are different types of transistors available by different manufacturers a circuit designers select suitable for their circuits after seeing the features of transistors. A transistor manufacturing company publish all the detail about the transistor at the time of selling in the market.

In this article, we are going to list all the most popular transistors and you can see the detail of these transistors just by clicking the links. This article will really help full to understand the basic concept of transistors and it will also describe how these are different from each other and how a designer can select a suitable one for their circuit.

Most Commonly Used Transistors

A list of the most commonly used transistors is given below You can read the full detail of this transistor by clicking on the transistor
