2n2907 transistor is a PNP Bipolar transistor available in a metal can package, having a high 600mA value of current with a low voltage of 40v. Transistor 2N2907 being is fully biased when a positive current is given to the base. This transistor is having a gain value of 100-300 which shows the amplification capacity. It is also used for amplification and switching. When the transistor is fully biased it allows a maximum of 500mA current through the collector and emitter of 1.6v its called the saturation region. When the base current is removed the transistor is in an off state it is called the Cut-off region.
Pin No. | Pin Name | Explanation |
1 | Emitter | Current Drains in through emitter |
2 | Base | Controls the current between the collector and Emitter |
3 | Collector | Current flows out through the collector |
Electrically similar transistors in a TO-92 package: PN2907, MPS2907, KN2907, KTN2907
The complement of 2N2907 is 2N2222a
The SMD versions of the 2N2907 are available as the PMST2907 (SOT-23), 2SB710A (SOT-23), FMMT2907 (SOT-23), FMMT2907R (SOT-23), KN2907S (SOT-23), KTN2907S (SOT-23), MMBT200 (SOT-23), PMBT2907 (SOT-23) and KTN2907U (SOT-323).
When transistor 2907 is used as a switch it works in two regions saturation region and a cut-off region. By default, this transistor is in an ON state, but not to be said perfectly on until the base pin is not connected with the ground. As we apply negative current to the base pin transistor 2n2907 will be fully biased and said to be turned ON. When we applied a positive current to the base transistor turn off.
2907 can be used as an amplifier because it allows the high current gain of 600mA to pass through the collector to the emitter. Three configurations used in an amplifier circuit are a common emitter, a common base, and a common collector. It is used for low amplifier circuits mostly used in 1st stage amplifiers.
To read about the datasheet of the 2n2907 transistor please click