The 2N7002 N-Channel is a logic-level MOSFET with low on-state resistance. This MOSFET has a low gate-to-source threshold voltage of 2.1 volts and commonly this makes. It the most suitable even for 3.3-volt application circuits. Because the MOSFET has low on-state resistance it has high efficiency when we drive the MOSFET. Due to this property, it can maintain high switching performance and is consequently used extensively in the power management application. The 2N7002 MOSFET also comes in an SMD package so can be used for compact applications. One substantial disadvantage of this MOSFET is its low drain current; it can supply a continuous current of 200mA and peaks currents up to 1A at max threshold voltage. Anything more than that will disadvantage the MOSFET.
Pin# | Name | Symbol | Type | Function | |
1 | Gate | G | P-Type | Controls the current between the Drain and the Source | |
2 | Drain | D | N-Type | Electrons Emitter(Drain) | |
3 | Source | S | N-Type | Electrons Collector(Source) |
The 2N7002 N Channel consists of three pins in total. The pins along with the types and names are given above table. Electrons flow from Drain to the source terminal. The output current depends on the voltage applied to the Gate terminal.
The Alternate of 2N7002 are:NTR4003, FDC666, FDC558, BS170N, IRF3205, 2N7000, IRF1010E, IRF540N
The Compliment of P-Channel 2N7002 is:BSS84, FDN358P