In this project, I'm going to show you how can you make a very super LED chaser using transistors capacitors, LEDs, and resistors. Transistors are very handy little components that have many capabilities in electronics fields. In the circuit, I have made 5 LEDs chasers in a ring shape. This LED Chaser Circuit consists of 5 LEDs every transistor is driving 1 LED.
The circuit diagram of the LED chaser using transistors is given below all component's detail is also given. If you want to change the chaser speed then you can easily increase and decrease it by using different capacitors.
The following components are required to make LED Chaser Circuit
The key component of this circuit is the BC547 transistor array. When we power on the DC signal triggers the base of the transistor (T1), Lighting up the first LED. After that, the collector output of T1 acts as the control signal at the base of transistor T2, which lights up the 2nd LED after a set period of delay due to a 47uF Capacitor.
Then the Output DC signal triggers the base of transistor T3 which in turn on the 3rd LED after a specific delay. In this way, all led glows and after the last led, this process continues. You can increase and decrease the speed of glowing simply by changing the capacitors.