LiFi Data Transfer System: Visible Light Communications system transmitting wireless internet communications is a visible light communication system that transmits data at very high speeds. This technology makes a LED light bulb transmit pulses of light that are unseeable by the human eye, and within those emitted pulses, data can travel in both directions. The receivers above information and interpret the transmitted data. This is similar to decoding Morse code but its speed is 1000 times faster. LiFi transmission speed may be 100 Gbps. Its speed is 14 times faster than WiGig and it is also known as the world's fastest WiFi


LiFi Data Transfer System, WiFi vs LiFi

In this project, we develop a data transfer system that uses LiFi technology. This project has the following features.

  • No Wires Needed
  • High-Speed Data Transfer
  • Reliable Communication with No Data Loss
  • Low Cost of Developing the System

This system consists of an LDR sensor along with Atmega Microcontroller, LCD for display, Power supply, basic components, and PCB for display. The system uses LiFi communication medium for data transfer from transmitter to receiver. Android LiFi app we are using to demonstrate this system. This app encodes written text messages to light flash data.

On the Transmitting side of the message, the app controls the mobile flashlight to transmit the message. The phone encodes the message into a series of flashes and transmits this message using the mobile torch light. As the flashlight fall on the LDR receiver, it is decoded the message and sends it to the microcontroller for further processing. The atmega microcontroller decodes messege and display messege on LCD

Components Required for Lifi Data Transfer System

  • Cables and Connectors
  • PCB Board
  • Atmega 328 Controller
  • Push Buttons
  • LDR Sensor
  • Regulator Circuitry
  • Switches
  • LED’s
  • Capacitors
  • Resistors
  • Transistors

LiFi Data Transfer System, WiFi vs LiFi Blog Diagram

The block Diagram of the Lifi Data Transfer System is given below its very clear and easy even a new student of electronics can understand this system.

LiFi Data Transfer System, WiFi vs LiFi

WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) vs. LiFi (Light Fidelity)


  • LiFi: Minimum interference and can pass through salty water, works in almost every area
  • WiFi: More interference than LiFi, cannot travel through seawater, only pass through less dense regions


  • LiFi: Used in undersea explorations, airlines, operation theaters, and office and home premises for data transfer
  • WiFi: Mostly used for internet browsing

Coverage distance

  • LiFi: It can cover About 10 meters
  • WiFi: it can cover About 32 meters, varies based on transmit power and antenna type

Data density

  • LiFi: Works in high-density atmosphere/environment
  • WiFi: Works in the less dense atmosphere/environment because of interference related issues


  • LiFi: They don't have any interference issues.
  • WiFi:  It uses several sources of radio interference that can become the cause of failure


  • LiFi: I will provide more secure data transfer because wall can block light
  • WiFi: WiFi signals can not be blocked by walls so its less secure

Visit: Best Outdoor Wifi Extender
