In this article, we are going to explain led light to 220v ac. In today's life, it becomes more interesting and more important because people want short methods and short circuits. So overcome to meet the challenge of the modern age we show a simple method to bright led light to 220  volts AC. The led light shown in the following figure is so simple to make.

Circuit Diagram Led Light to 220v AC

In this circuit diagram, we have used one diode a 56k/1w resistor, and a LED.

Led Light to 220v AC

Led Light to 220v AC Circuit Diagram

The animated circuit diagram of the led to 220v ac is given below.

Led Light to 220v AC

Components required for Led Light to 220v AC

  • An LED – 5 mm or 10 mm of any color any type
  • A diode, preferably 1 N 4007
  • A resistor of 1 watt or higher rating 47k.
  • A two-pin male plug

Note: Lower resistor values will give more brightness and higher values will prolong LED life.
The lower wattage of resistors like 1/4,1/2 watt or lower will not do and may burn since they are meant for 6v DC circuits, not for 220v AC Mains.

How to Assemble  

1. Connect the black anode of the diode to the negative of the led 0r as you want.
2. connect the resistor to the positive of the LED or as you want but circuits should according to the rules.
3. Connect the free ends of the diode and resistor to the male pins. as shown in the pic.
Done. See the attached pic for clarity.
Another circuit with the diode connected “across” the LED is also attached. A bulb base adapter is used instead of a male pin.
It should work on 110v AC / 220v AC Mains.

DC Feature 

It will also work on any battery!! Once again check all components are connected properly. After soldering the resistor and diode with led now pack it in the two-pic plug like that to increase the efficiency of this circuit connect a 10uf capacitor

Watch the Video for more Detail

Now our led bulb is ready to use now test it. It works perfectly.
